S U P E R R A R E! H A N D C A R V E D. H A N D P A I N T E D B O B B L E H E A D. B E L L H O P S C U L P T U R E. A P P R O X. 1 1 H I G H This delightful Japanese wood bobblehead sculpture is a rare find! A lot of ingenuity and unique Japanese style went into the creation of this piece. Bobble head shakes when touched. These rare pieces of Japanese whimsical sculpture. Were novelties produced in the post WWII tourist boom. And are now treasured by collectors because. They predicted and foreshadowed the enormous influence. Japanese Manga art would have on the world! This piece is one of the nicest we have encountered. Very light enamel wear. It has hardly aged at all! Choice wood adds great detail. You can’t help but. Smile when looking at this sculpture and when his head. Bounces it’s simply a captivating display! A superb & rare addition to your New York penthouse, minimalist case study home or California atomic modern dwelling! A C h a r m i n g A d d i t i o n T o Y o u r W o n d e r f u l I n t e r i o r s!